Headmaster, with many years experience within the norwegian school system. Committed to helping students choose Jesus first in their lives and to learn to make the Bible their point of reference in all important choices in life. Among other things, teaches on topics such as ‘Build on Jesus’, the ‘Acts of the Apostles’, and ‘The Kingdom of God’. Mentor at the school.

Well-known Bible teacher, among other things on topics such as ‘Bible Study’ and ‘Understanding the Bible’. Has worked at BB since 1993 and is church leader of Christian Fellowship on Sotra. Mentor at the school.

Qualified Nurse. Experienced church planter. Our school administrator, who involves herself with each student. Teaches, among other things, the topics ‘Targeted Life’ and ‘Marriage’. Mentor at the school.

Qualified teacher and has an evangelistic heart towards the unsaved and disadvantaged. Leader of Bergen Street Mission. Among other things, teaches on topics such as ‘Identity and Self-image’, ‘Covenant and Prayer’. Mentor at the school.

Highly skilled Bible teacher who also works at Sotra Junior High. Has the ability to make great theological questions understandable and applicable. Teaches among other things, topics such as ‘Jesus' life’, ‘Church History’ and ‘Dogma’.

Staff evangelist. Is passionately keen to see people saved and transformed by an encounter with God. Teaches on topics such as ‘Prophetic Life’ and ‘Living with the Holy Spirit’. Takes the class out regularly to pray for sick, share food and talk about Jesus.